Main page

About me:

download my PhD Thesis, my CV, or a brief summary of my research interests (pdf files)

read my preprints and published papers/proceedings (here is a less updated printable version), or give a look at the pdf version of talks I gave in the not-too-distant past: about the IMF of primordial stars, and about the effects of the HD molecule on primordial object evolution (1, 2).

Download Sinister, a small (but useful?) tool for extracting data from pesky scientific plots you happen to find in papers.

send me an e-mail.


Most used links

Astronomy: Astro-ph (new), ADS, Kapteyn , PSU, Kipac (Coll), Enzo, Gadget, JobRegister, Rumors.
RuG - Groningen: RuG, Gemeente, VVV, Movies, Misc,

Computer/Internet: LinuxboxGoogleDICT, Wikipedia (ITA), Python (Docs, Matplotlib, Scipy)

Blogs: FluoriBodyFluidsTPMemo, JColeTFUPM, Leonardo, Giusec, Phastidio, COALiberalPowers4, CatDyn

News: Repubblica, FattoManifesto, NYT, RPop, WPSU, NPR, BBC World, Radio NL (digest).  
Travel: Transavia, Virgin, KLM, Dutch Rails, Groningen Bus, Swiss Rails Trenitalia.

Fun:,, VDiplomacy.


Astronomy links

Astro-ph Preprints (Babbage) - alternate (SISSA) site
ADS (Strasbourg) - papers papers papers
TITAN - Adaptive-mesh radiation Hydrodynamics
AMR - Adaptive Mesh Refinement
Enzo and Gadget - 3D Cosmological Simulations
Kapteyn Institute
KfA homepage - Kapanno for Astrophysics!
OAB homepage

Other astronomy links


Computer-related links


LDP - Linux Documentation Project
Pluto - Italian Linux User Group
Linuxbox - Linux support from INFN
LinuxOnLaptops - Laptops from the Linux Perspective

Other Linux links


Pluto - Developers resources
GCC, g77 - GNU C/Fortran Compiler
C, C++, Fortran, Perl(org), Perl(com) Python (Docs, Matplotlib Numarray) - some language reference...
glibc - GNU C library

Other Development links


Astronomical data/image processing packages (IRAF, IDL etc.)

Other Packages links

Free software/Open source

GNU Project - GNU's Not Unix! (Free Software Foundation)
Open source - Open source philosophy
EFF - Electronic Frontier Foundation

Other free software links


International: Yahoo, Ask Jeeves, Excite, Lycos
Italian: Yahoo Italy, Virgilio, Arianna, Tiscali, Excite Italia, Lycos Italia
Google,, Language tools
Other internet links


University links

PSU - Pennsylvania State University (Astro dept)
Milan Universities: Statale, Bicocca, Insubria, Bocconi, Cattolica
Milan Astronomy Institutions: Statale, Bicocca, Insubria, OAB (Merate, Brera), IASF
MURST - Ministero dell'Universita' e della Ricerca Scientifica

Other university links

Last update: November, 21, 2005 by Emanuele Ripamonti.